

发布时间:2022-12-09 17:58:03 | 来源:中国网 | 责任编辑:蔚力


The publicity and theoretical work concerns the nature and path of socialism, the development of the country, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the area, with Xi having made many decisions and plans to strengthen the publicity and theoretical work in the country.


Uphold and strengthen CPC leadership over our public communication


We should uphold and strengthen CPC leadership over our public communication. Reinforcing our Party’s political foundations should be the overarching principle. In enhancing our public communication, we must apply the Four Consciousnesses, uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized, unified leaderships and maintain the correct political orientation.


Extend the influence of mainstream opinion


We must maintain the right tone in guiding public opinion, strengthen the penetration, guidance, influence and credibility of the media, and promote constructive thoughts and opinion. We should improve means of communication and create new means to promote our Party's innovative theories among the people. 


Cultivate educated people with sound values and ethics


As young people are in the process of developing their values, we should guide them how to “fasten the first button” of a meaningful life. Publicity is necessary to encourage the public to learn from role models, and to nurture a positive atmosphere of respecting, emulating, honoring and caring for heroes. To improve civility in rural areas, we should promote healthy practices in place of outdated social mores, nurturing good folk customs, cultivating fine family traditions, and encouraging virtues in individuals.


Produce more wholesome and inspiring online works


In promoting the cultural sector, we must always put social benefits first. We should see that writers and artists develop a sound understanding of history, nation, state and culture. They should cultivate refined tastes, styles and a sense of responsibility, and raise their awareness of observing state laws and regulations. Cultural workers should enhance their moral integrity and firmly resist unhealthy tendencies in literary and artistic creation. They should aim to set an example with their works and personal conduct to refine character, inspire minds, and shape social trends.


Increase the international influence of Chinese culture


We need to take stock of the global landscape, and take targeted measures when we present the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to the international community. We should find better ways to tell stories about the CPC’s governance of China, about our people's hard work to realize the Chinese Dream, and about China’s peaceful development through mutually beneficial cooperation, helping the international community to know more about our country.