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发布时间:2018-03-20 17:01:00 | 来源:中国网 | 作者:孙灵萱 | 责任编辑:蔡彬








A country of innovators

Hi! Welcome to “About China”! 

In today’s program, we will talk about ” A country of innovators”.

Premier Li Keqiang has pointed out that we will move faster to make China a country of innovatorsaccording to the Report on the Work of the Government.

The latest global revolution in science and technology and industrial transformation are trends we must be on board with. We will do more in implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, and keep on making the Chinese economy more innovative and competitive.

According to the Report, we will improve national innovation system, strengthen basic research and application-oriented basic research, and speed up the commercialization and application of innovations.

We will act on and improve policies that stimulate innovation, reform the science and technology management system, and explore ways to grant researchers ownership or permanent use rights over their scientific and technological outputs.

We will see the nationwide business startup and innovation drive is taken to next level, and push China to break into a sprint in innovation by bringing together myriad intellects and pooling everyone’s energies. 

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