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学习卡片 | 明者防祸于未萌,智者图患于将来Wise men take precautionary measures when disaster is brewing; clever men make estimations about imminent catastrophe
学习卡片 | 穷则变,变则通,通则久Limitations lead to change; changes lead to solutions; solutions lead to development
学习卡片 | 物之所在,道则在焉Everything exists for a reason
学习卡片 | 明者因时而变,知者随事而制A smart man changes his approach as circumstances change; a wise person alters his means as times evolve
学习卡片 | 长安城中百万家There are one million households in Chang'an City
学习卡片 | 虽有智慧,不如乘势It is wiser to avail oneself of a favorable situation than to rely on one's mere wisdom
学习卡片 | 穷理以致其知,反躬以践其实One studies everything to obtain knowledge, and proves it in practice
学习卡片 | 橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳To the south of the Huaihe River grow oranges, while to the north grow bitter oranges
学习卡片 | 天视自我民视,天听自我民听Heaven sees as the people see; Heaven hears as the people hear
学习卡片 | 物之不齐,物之情也turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog
学习卡片 | 以天下之目视则无不见也,以天下之耳听则无不闻也,以天下之心虑则无不知也If you use the eyes of all those under Heaven to see, there is nothing you cannot see.
学习卡片 | 名非天造,必从其实A name is not granted by heaven; it must be earned in life
学习卡片 | 政之所兴在顺民心 政之所废在逆民心Decrees may be followed if they are in accordance with the aspirations of the people; they may be ineffective if they are against the aspirations of the people
学习卡片 | 不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安He is not concerned lest his people should be poor, but only lest what they have should be ill-apportioned. He is not concerned lest they should be few, but only lest they should be divided against one another.
学习卡片 | 治国有常,而利民为本There are some fixed principles in governing a state, among which benefiting the people should be the root.
学习卡片 | 子钓而不纲,弋不射宿The master fished with a line but not with a net; when fowling he did not aim at a roosting bird.
学习卡片 | 治天下也,必先公,公则天下平矣To govern the country, the priority is to realize equality, and then stability will follow
学习卡片 | 欲事立,须是心立To win, one must become resolute first
学习卡片 | 将教天下,必定其家,必正其身He who would govern the country must first run his family well and discipline himself
学习卡片 | 新松恨不高千尺,恶竹应须斩万竿Young pines should grow a thousand feet high, while poisoning bamboos should be cut down one by one
学习卡片 | 欲知平直,则必准绳;欲知方圆,则必规矩Nothing can be accomplished without regulations and rules
学习卡片 | 大道之行也,天下为公When the Great Way rules, the land under Heaven belongs to the people
学习卡片 | 为官避事平生耻Avoiding responsibilities is the greatest disgrace for an official
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