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学习卡片 | 合天下之众者财,理天下之财者法It is wealth that binds the people of a country together, and it is the law that governs the wealth of a country
学习卡片 | 国之称富者,在乎丰民A country is truly prosperous only when its people are prosperous
学习卡片 | 务农重本,国之大纲Attaching importance to agricultural development is the fundamental plan of the country
学习卡片 | 农,天下之本,务莫大焉Agriculture is the foundation of a country and the top priority in governance
学习卡片 | 不困在于早虑,不穷在于早豫Prior planning prevents pitfalls and proper preparation preempts perils
学习卡片 | 天地之大,黎元为本In a country, the people are the most important
学习卡片 | 慎易以避难,敬细以远大We should manage the small and simple things with care so as to avoid difficulties and disasters
学习卡片 | 胜非其难也,持之者其难也The most difficult part of victory is not the winning, but the sustaining
学习卡片 | 志之难也,不在胜人,在自胜The key to achieving your aspirations lies not in overcoming others but in overcoming your own weaknesses
学习卡片 | 治国之道,富民为始The key to running a country is to first enrich the people.
学习卡片 | 家给人足,四海之内无一夫不获其所Every family living in plenty, with not a single person left behind
学习卡片 | 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜If only I could build a house with thousands upon thousands of rooms, I would bring all the poor people on the earth under its roof and bring smiles to their faces
学习卡片 | 长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰Long did I sigh to hold back tears; saddened I am by the grief of my people
学习卡片 | 天行健,君子以自强不息Just as Heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman makes unremitting efforts to perfect himself
学习卡片 | 物有甘苦,尝之者识;道有夷险,履之者知To know the flavor of a thing, one must taste it; to know what lies ahead on a path, one must walk it
学习卡片 | 爱人利物之谓仁Compassion means loving and helping others
学习卡片 | 善战者,立于不败之地,而不失敌之败也Those skilled in warfare make sure they are invincible and miss no chance of overwhelming their enemies
学习卡片 | 志不强者智不达,言不信者行不果The weak-minded cannot be wise; the dishonest cannot succeed
学习卡片 | 能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用众智,则无畏于圣人矣If you can employ the strength of the people, you will be invincible under Heaven; if you can employ the wisdom of the people, no sage will be cleverer than you
学习卡片 | 与天下同利者,天下持之;擅天下之利者,天下谋之A sovereign who shares the interests of the people will have their support; a sovereign who denies the interests of the people will provoke their opposition
学习卡片 | 德不优者,不能怀远;才不大者,不能博见A person without virtue has no high aspirations; a person without talent has no keen insights
学习卡片 | 为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs' sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky
学习卡片 | 与天下同利者,天下持之;擅天下之利者,天下谋之A sovereign who shares the interests of the people will have their support; a sovereign who denies the interests of the people will provoke their opposition.
学习卡片 | 为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs’ sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky.
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