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习声习语|以“文明互鉴”融通中外LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Integrate China and the world through mutual learning between civilizations
习声习语|赓续历史文脉中铸就中华文化新辉煌LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Add new luster to Chinese culture by carrying forward traditions
习声习语|中华文化蕴含着独特的中国精神LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Chinese culture contains the unique Chinese spirit.
习声习语|中华文明是中华民族独特的精神标识LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Chinese civilization is the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation.
习声习语|大历史观让文艺创作更加心明眼亮LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: A big-picture view of history refreshes literary and artistic creations
习声习语|保护好中华民族的象征LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Safeguard the symbols of the Chinese nation
习声习语|敦煌文化展示了中华民族的文化自信LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Dunhuang culture demonstrates the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.
习声习语|坚持以精品奉献人民Create fine works for the people
习声习语|和羹之美,在于合异LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Delicious soup is made by combining different ingredients.
习声习语|文化因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning.
习声习语|以古人之规矩,开自己之生面LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Breaking new ground with the rules of the ancients
习声习语|文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Our country will thrive only if our culture thrives, and our nation will be strong only if our culture is strong.
习声习语|中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的文化根脉LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: China’s finest traditional culture is the cultural lifeline of the Chinese nation.
习声习语|人民是创作的源头活水LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: The people are the source of inspiration for literary and artistic creations.
习声习语|深化文明交流互鉴 共建亚洲命运共同体LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Create an Asian community of shared future through mutual learning
习声习语|文化是一个民族的魂魄,文化认同是民族团结的根脉LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Culture is the soul of a nation, and cultural identity is the root of ethnic unity
习声习语|团结就是力量,奋斗开创未来Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
习声习语|开展党史学习教育要突出重点Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
习声习语|共创后疫情时代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
习声习语|在中华人民共和国恢复联合国合法席位五十周年纪念会议上的讲话Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations
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