习近平致电祝贺赛义德当选连任突尼斯总统Xi congratulates Saied on re-election as Tunisian president
习近平致信中国红十字会第十二次全国会员代表大会Xi encourages Red Cross Society of China to enhance humanitarian services
《习近平关于治水论述摘编》出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on water management published
以海报、动图等形式讲述大国领袖治国理政的伟大理念和思想以及对人民的殷切关怀。 Displaying Xi’s great ideas and thoughts on governance as the leader of a major country, as well as his sincere care for the wellbeing of the people, through posters, motion graphics, etc.
学习卡片 | 凡将立国,制度不可不察也A state system must be established when founding a country.
学习卡片 | 法与时转则治The law must be adaptive to the changing times, so that social order and stability are maintained.
学习卡片 | 不知耻者,无所不为A person without shame knows no limits.
学习卡片 | 君子之德风,小人之德草,草上之风必偃The ruler's virtue is like wind, and commoners' virtue like grass, which always bends in the direction of the wind.
打造“习式”词典,以向国际社会阐释当代中国发展理念。 Presenting contemporary China’s development ideas to the world
学习词典 | 规范和引导资本健康发展Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: to ensure the healthy growth of capital through regulation and guidance
学习词典 | 做强做优做大我国数字经济Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: to improve, expand, and strengthen our digital economy
学习词典 | 新一轮科技革命和产业变革Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: new revolution in science, technology and industry
学习词典 | 科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: strategies for invigorating China through science and education, making China a talent-strong country, and driving development through innovation
讲述习近平承诺于人民、承诺于世界的故事。 Narrating the stories of Xi’s commitments to the people and the world
习文乐见 | 内蒙古:筑牢北疆绿色长城Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Inner Mongolia-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 江苏:当好科技自立自强开路先锋Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Jiangsu-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 四川:推动新时代治蜀兴川再上新台阶Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Sichuan-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 新疆:积极融入中国式现代化进程Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Xinjiang-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
原音重现解析习近平总书记系列重要思想内涵、理论精髓。 Interpreting the essential connotations of Xi’s important thoughts and theories with his own words
习声习语|团结就是力量,奋斗开创未来Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
习声习语|开展党史学习教育要突出重点Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
习声习语|共创后疫情时代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
习声习语|在中华人民共和国恢复联合国合法席位五十周年纪念会议上的讲话Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations


Chinese Spirit


Narrating the underlying spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation based on the guiding principles in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches.

Illustrated Lectures


Interpreting General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on governance as well as a series of new thoughts and new strategies he put forward through hand-drawn short videos.

中国有数China in Numbers
中国智慧Chinese Wisdom
碰词儿Unique Chinese Words
学习慕课Xi MOOC
新青年新思想New Youth New Opinion
用文化为中国代言Speak for China with culture