We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
学习绘本 | 天工营造 山庄揽胜Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Chengde Mountain Resort: An Architectural Wonder
学习绘本 | 家风悠悠 正气浩然Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Family Values of Loyalty and Righteousness
学习绘本 | 非遗传承 命运与共Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: The Inheritance of Shared Intangible Cultural Heritage
学习绘本 | 汉字源流 殷商来风Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Oracle Bone Inscriptions: The Origins of Chinese Characters
学习绘本 | 知史博物 鉴往知来Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Drawing Lessons from History to Inspire a Better Future
学习绘本 | 古镇梦忆 烟雨江南Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: A Dreamlike Ancient Town in Poetic Jiangnan
学习绘本 | 巴山楚水 多元一体Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Sanxingdui Ruins: Evidence to the Inclusiveness of Chinese Civilization
学习绘本 | 大河汤汤 通衢八方Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: The Grand Canal: A River Transport Corridor
学习绘本 | 大江风华 亘古潮涌Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Jiujiang: Riding the Tide of a Big River
学习绘本 | 华夏意匠 以手传心Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Porcelain Craft Handed Down from Generation to Generation
学习绘本 | 奇志忠魂 铁血丹心Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: An Invincible Army with Great Loyalty and Heroism
学习绘本 | 津味年俗 古韵新生Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Experiencing Traditional Culture in Tianjin
学习绘本 | 沅水悠悠 湖湘弦歌Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Changde River Street: An Everlasting Song of Hunan Culture
学习绘本 | 千里跨越 众志成城Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: The Great Wall: A Symbol of the Chinese Nation
学习绘本 | 大同至道 文明探源Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Exploring the Origins of Chinese Civilization
学习绘本 | 文以载道 文脉不息Leadership Insights | Illustrated Lectures: Carrying Truth with Writings and Promoting Sustained Development of Culture
学习绘本 | 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展不断取得新成效(二)Strive for New Progress in High-Quality Belt and Road Development(2)
学习绘本 | 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展不断取得新成效(一)Strive for New Progress in High-Quality Belt and Road Development(1)