We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
习文乐见 | 甘肃:不断开创富民兴陇新局面Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Gansu-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 青海:护好“中华水塔” 共绘美丽中国Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Qinghai-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 宁夏:“塞上江南”书写发展新篇章Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Ningxia-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 广东:牢记嘱托 勇当改革开放先锋Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Guangdong-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 河北:持续推动京津冀协同发展走深走实Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Hebei-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 山西:传承中华文脉 守护文明之光Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Shanxi-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 陕西:让历史文化与现代旅游相得益彰Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Shaanxi-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 内蒙古:筑牢北疆绿色长城Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Inner Mongolia-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 江苏:当好科技自立自强开路先锋Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Jiangsu-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 四川:推动新时代治蜀兴川再上新台阶Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Sichuan-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 新疆:积极融入中国式现代化进程Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Xinjiang-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 黑龙江:铸就着美丽富强的新黑龙江Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Heilongjiang-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 山东:全力打造乡村振兴齐鲁样板Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Shandong-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 浙江:干在实处,走在前列,勇立潮头Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Zhejiang-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 江西:让绿水青山成为最亮丽的底色Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Jiangxi-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 上海:领航更高水平改革开放新征程Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Shanghai-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 广西:向海图强开放发展Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Guangxi-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 天津:奋力谱写中国式现代化天津篇章Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Tianjin-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 湖南:奋勇争先促高质量发展Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Hunan-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
习文乐见 | 重庆:新时代西部发展枢纽新篇章Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Chongqing-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era