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学习卡片 | 乱云飞渡仍从容Riotous clouds sweep past
学习卡片 | 自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里Should I have 200 years to sparel, I will surely swim for 3,000 li (1500 km)
学习卡片 | 政之所兴在顺民心 政之所废在逆民心Decrees may be followed if they are in accordance with the aspirations of the people; they may be ineffective if they are against the aspirations of the people
学习卡片 | 名非天造,必从其实A name is not granted by heaven; it must be earned in life
学习卡片 | 以天下之目视则无不见也,以天下之耳听则无不闻也,以天下之心虑则无不知也If you use the eyes of all those under Heaven to see, there is nothing you cannot see.
学习卡片 | 物之不齐,物之情也turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog
学习卡片 | 天视自我民视,天听自我民听Heaven sees as the people see; Heaven hears as the people hear
学习卡片 | 橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳To the south of the Huaihe River grow oranges, while to the north grow bitter oranges
学习卡片 | 穷理以致其知,反躬以践其实One studies everything to obtain knowledge, and proves it in practice
学习卡片 | 分则力散,专则力全Strength is weakened once divided
学习卡片 | 虽有智慧,不如乘势It is wiser to avail oneself of a favorable situation than to rely on one's mere wisdom
学习卡片 | 长安城中百万家There are one million households in Chang'an City
学习卡片 | 机者如神,难遇易失Opportunities are rare and hard to grasp, and easy to lose
学习卡片 | 明者因时而变,知者随事而制A smart man changes his approach as circumstances change; a wise person alters his means as times evolve
学习卡片 | 不知耻者,无所不为A person without shame knows no limits
学习卡片 | 物之所在,道则在焉Everything exists for a reason
学习卡片 | 穷则变,变则通,通则久Limitations lead to change; changes lead to solutions; solutions lead to development
学习卡片 | 明者防祸于未萌,智者图患于将来Wise men take precautionary measures when disaster is brewing; clever men make estimations about imminent catastrophe
学习卡片 | 为国也,观俗立法则治,察国事本则宜In governing a country, a wise ruler establishes laws through observing popular customs, thus bringing order. He understands the fundamentals of the land he rules, thus implementing appropriate policies.
学习卡片 | 入山问礁、入水问渔apply different methods to solve different issues
学习卡片 | 立善法于天下,则天下治;立善法于一国,则一国治When the law of the land under heaven is good, there will be order in the land under heaven; when the laws of the state are good, there will be order in the state.
学习卡片 | 非知之难,行之惟难It is not knowledge but action that is difficult to acquire
学习卡片|天下之事,不难于立法,而难于法之必行The greatest challenge for a country lies not in making laws, but in putting those laws into effect
学习卡片 | 知之愈明,则行之愈笃A clearer understanding of new concepts makes actions stronger and more targeted
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