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A good and well-constructed argument makes one feel upright and righteous; only by feeling upright and righteous can one be eloquent and articulate; only with articulate eloquence can one create well-structured and meaningful writing.

发布时间:2024-07-05 08:30:00 | 来源:中国网-中国习观 | 作者: | 责任编辑:曹川川

On December 14, 2021, in the speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of China Writers Association, General Secretary Xi Jinping, quoted a statement saying that "A good and well-constructed argument makes one feel upright and righteous; only by feeling upright and righteous can one be eloquent and articulate; only with articulate eloquence can one create well-structured and meaningful writing." Where does the statement come from? What does it mean? Let us learn from President Xi on how to use literary quotations.
