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发布时间:2018-04-02 10:10:00 | 来源:中国网 | 作者:孙灵萱 | 责任编辑:蔡彬




报告指出,我们要推动重大风险防范化解取得明显进展, 严厉打击非法集资、金融诈骗等违法活动,严禁各类违法违规举债、担保等行为;加大精准脱贫力度,加强扶贫资金整合和绩效管理,开展扶贫领域腐败和作风问题专项治理;推进污染防治取得更大成效,严禁“洋垃圾”入境,严控填海造地,严格环境执法。

Three critical battles

Hi! Welcome to “About China”! 

In today’s program, we will talk about ” Three critical battles”.

Premier Li Keqianghas pointed out that we will fight three critical battles according to the Report on the Work of the Government.

To fulfill our key annual tasks, we need to make everyone involved clear about their responsibilities, strengthen policy implementation, and ensure that every element of work is done to good, solid effect.

According to the Report, we will strive for notable progress in forestalling and defusing major risks, leading to a serious crackdown on activities that violate the law like illegal fundraising and financial fraud, and all forms of borrowing and debt underwriting that violate the law and regulations are strictly prohibited.

We will step up targeted poverty alleviation, to make poverty alleviation funds better integrated and performance-based management better strengthened, and also take targeted measures against corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation.

What’s more, we will work to make greater progress in addressing pollution, to completely prohibit garbage from being brought into China, impose strict control over coastal area reclamation, and strictly enforce environmental laws and regulations.

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