We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
发布时间:2018-12-26 16:02:00 | 来源:中国网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:蔡彬大家好,欢迎来到碰词儿现场!今天,我们来谈谈“打好脱贫攻坚战”。
do a good job in poverty alleviation
Hi! Welcome to “About China”! In today’s program, we will talk about “do a good job in poverty alleviation”.
Since China introduced reform and opening up in late 1978, it has made significant economic and social progresses. Great achievements have been made in the improvement of overall standards of living, and several hundred million people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the world's total during the same period. China is in the primary stage of socialism, and the country has a large population with regions varying in development levels. Therefore, there are large numbers of people who are still living a hard life. There is a long way to go to fulfill the mission of poverty alleviation.
Starting in 2014, October 17th of each year has been set as Poverty Alleviation Day in the country. China will allocate more resources for poverty relief, mobilize all sectors of society, and further alleviate poverty through development, so as to lift those in difficulty out of poverty as quickly as possible. It will also take steady steps to ensure them access to adequate food and clothing, compulsory education, and basic medical services and housing.
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