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发布时间:2020-03-11 15:05:00 | 来源:中国网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:孙灵萱


“健康码”是以真实数据为基础,由市民或者返工返岗人员通过自行网上申报,经后台审核后,即可生成属于个人的二维码 (绿码或黄码或红码) 。2月11日,杭州率先推出了一款健康码,以遏制病毒在恢复生产期间的传播。绿码意味着人们被感染的可能性很小,而带有黄色和红色代码的居民必须被隔离几天,每天报告健康信息,然后才能被允许出行。

健康码已在全国100多个城市落地, 助力疫情防控和返工复工。浙江、四川、海南三省率先实现全省覆盖。

health QR code

Hi!Welcome to “About China”.In today’s program,we will talk about “health QR code”.

Health QR code has been rapidly promoted as a digital epidemic prevention measure during the epidemic prevention and control.Health QR code is based on real data. The citizen can apply health QR code online by themselves. After the review, people will be assigned codes marked by green, yellow or red based on the information they offer.Hangzhou took the lead in launching a health QR code system on Feb.11 to curb the virus spread amid the resumption of production. The green code means people have little chance of having been infected, while residents with yellow and red ones must be held under quarantine for a few days and report their health information every day before they are allowed to travel around.

Over 100 cities in China have adopted health QR codes to facilitate the control of the novel coronavirus and work resumption. All cities in the provinces of Zhejiang, Sichuan and Hainan have adopted health QR codes.

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