We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
坚持人民至上 习近平总书记时刻关切这些事儿
发布时间:2021-03-07 11:50:00 | 来源:中国网-中国习观 | 作者: | 责任编辑:张静2021年3月6日,习近平总书记看望了参加全国政协十三届四次会议的医药卫生界、教育界委员,并参加联组会。习近平总书记在联组会上重点强调要办好人民满意的医疗教育事业。时刻坚持“人民至上”是习近平总书记念兹在兹的主题。