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学习词典 | “两学一做”学习教育

发布时间:2022-09-19 11:03:00 | 来源:中国网-中国习观 | 作者: | 责任编辑:丁素云



"Two Studies and One Action" Education Campaign

In February, 2016, the CPC Central Committee decided to start a campaign to educate all Party members in the "two studies and one action." The education campaign asked all Party members "to study the Party Constitution and rules, and speeches of Xi Jinping, and to become qualified Party members".

Its basic requirement was that Party members respect the Party Constitution and obey its rules, and that the entire Party take its essential task to be drawing spiritual strength from Xi Jinping's most important speeches. In stressing that "the prerequisite is study, and the key is action", it focused on resolving some of the major ideological, organizational, behavioral and disciplinary problems among Party members.