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习声习语 | 党的自我革命(一)

发布时间:2022-12-01 17:49:00 | 来源:中国网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:蔚力


Self-Reform of the CPC in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China III


Xi's Focus | Self-Reform of the CPC (I)


——Cultivate Officials with Firm Conviction,Political Commitment, Professional Competence,and Proper Conduct


The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China vividly records a series of important statements and speeches made by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, based on his experiences in state governance in the new era since the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017. It fully and systematically reflects Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and demonstrates the latest achievements in the Sinicization of Marxism. As for self-reform of the CPC, General Secretary Xi said: 


Our theoretical study should be problem-oriented and closely connected with our new practices in the new era, our thinking and actual work.


We should reflect on what we have learned, 


develop an in-depth understanding of it, and know not only the hows but also the whys. 


The most effective way to study theory is to read the original works and articles, and fully understand the principles.


We need to study, remember, and ponder over subjects of learning, conduct in-depth research, and guide our daily work with study, 


so that learning, reflection, and application are integrated and that knowledge strengthens faith and guides practice.


Being loyal to our Party 


means we should enhance the Four Consciousnesses, reinforce the Four-sphere Confidence, ensure the Two Upholds, 


strictly observe our political discipline and rules, 


and follow the central Party leadership in terms of political stance direction, principles and path. 


This commitment must be heartfelt and firm


at any time and under any circumstance. 


Loyalty to the Party and faith in Marxism demand concrete actions. 


We should never forget to check whether we comply with the Party Constitution, rules, 


and discipline in terms of ideals, convictions, statements and deeds, 


beat the dust off our soul, and remain true Communists.


We should keep in mind that the people are the true heroes; at no time should we forget whom we serve, whom we rely on, and who we are, and we must forge a true bond with the people.


Without the support of the people, we can accomplish nothing. 


We should hold the people dearest in our hearts. Sticking together, maintaining a close bond, 


and sharing weal and woe with the people - this is what enables our Party to overcome all difficulties and dangers. 


We officials should maintain high ethical standards and follow Confucius' advice:"When you meet people of virtue and wisdom, think how you should learn to equal them; when you meet people with poor moral standards, remind yourselves against such behavior."


We should draw a line between public and private interests,justice and benefit, right and wrong, rectitude and evil, and hard work and hedonism.


We should dedicate ourselves to our great cause rather than seeking higher posts. 


We should be open-minded, and we should work for the Party and the people rather than seeking promotion and personal gain.


——March1,2019,Speech at the opening ceremony of a training program for younger officials at the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance) during its 2019 spring semester.