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As time moves steadily forward, the spirit of the Party has been passed on from generation to generation

发布时间:2023-08-17 10:18:26 | 来源:中国网-中国习观 | 作者: | 责任编辑:张芃芃

As time moves steadily forward, the spirit of the Party has been passed on from generation to generation.

Over the past hundred years, the Party has carried forward this great founding spirit. Through its protracted struggles, it has developed a long line of inspiring principles for China's Communists and tempered a distinct political character. As time moves steadily forward, the spirit of the Party has been passed on from generation to generation. We will continue to promote our glorious traditions and sustain our revolutionary legacy, so that the great founding spirit of the Party will be passed down from generation to generation and be carried forward. 

--Speech at the Ceremony Marking the Centenary of the Communist Party of China, July 1, 2021