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发布时间:2024-05-29 09:22:15 | 来源:中国网 | 作者:丁素云 | 责任编辑:丁素云


In a reply letter to the staff of the Khunjerab Customs on September 11, 2023, President Xi Jinping praised that despite difficulties such as severe cold and oxygen deficiency in the high-altitude area, they remain devoted to their duties of defending the national gate in the frontier and have made remarkable achievements through silent sacrifice, demonstrating the enterprising spirit of customs workers in the new era. He also encouraged them to maintain the security of the national gate and promote high-quality development and high-standard opening up as customs guards living up to the expectations of the Party and the people.


The Khunjerab Port, located on the Pamir Plateau in Tashikurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Kashgar, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, is the customs port with the highest altitude in the world. It is also the only land passage between China and Pakistan. With an average altitude of 4,500 meters, the area suffers a harsh natural environment. Here, the oxygen content is less than 50% of that in plain regions, the temperature can drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius, and there are only 82 frostless days each year. For this reason, the area is called the “forbidden zone of life” and “snow land of death.”


A local saying depicts the harsh conditions of the area: “There are no birds flying in the sky and no grass growing on the ground; Strong winds can blow stones away. People suffer oxygen deficiency and have to wear cotton-padded coats all year round.” After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Khunjerab Port was once semi-closed. In 1969, China and Pakistan began barter trade in their border areas. The Kashgar Customs sent the Mingtiegai task force to establish the Khunjerab Customs to oversee border trade and personnel exchange between China and Pakistan. At the time, Liu Jinghua, the first head of the Khunjerab Customs, led seven people and three yaks to settle down in the snow-covered Pamirs. They shared a tent and a pot. Hence, their customs was nicknamed the “tent customs.” The construction of the Khunjerab Customs kicked off in such harsh conditions.


The heroic spirit of those pioneers has been passed down from generation to generation, so has been their love of the motherland. Across generations, the workers of the Khunjerab Customs hold fast to the snow-covered, desert plateau and fight oxygen deficiency and extreme cold. With strong morale, courage and perseverance, they remain devoted to their duties through hard work, and forge the spirit of the Khunjerab Customs – namely, “extremely hardworking, extremely high morale, extremely perseverant, and extremely dedicated,” which manifests the national gate defenders’ infinite loyalty to the motherland.