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发布时间:2024-08-28 13:07:17 | 来源:中国网 | 作者:丁素云 | 责任编辑:丁素云


2024 marks the 30 anniversary of the launch of paired assistance to Xizang Autonomous Region. During his inspection tour of Xizang, President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, pointed out that the spirit of aiding Xizang is a lofty spirit upheld by the CPC and an outstandingadvantage of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Though the plateau lacks oxygen, it never lacks lofty spirit, which manifests that the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. The spirit is higher than the plateau, which must be carried forward from generation to generation.



The spirit of aiding Xizang is an inheritance and continuation of the precious spiritual wealth embedded in the “two roads”spirit and the spirit of veterans in Tibetan reconstruction. Asintegral parts of the spirit system of the CPC, the “two roads”spirit, the spirit of veterans in Tibetan reconstruction, and other spirit fostered on the plateau provide rich nutrition for the budding and formation of the spirit of aiding Xizang.


The greatest challenge for those working on the plateauis the lack of oxygen, and the most precious thing is lofty spirit. There are such a group of loyal and steadfast peoplewith a great sense of responsibilitywho come to Xizang from all over the country to contribute to local development, and they share weal and woe and work heart to heart with local people from all ethnic groups in Xizang. With a steady stream of glimmering light, they have forged a spiritual force – the spirit of aiding Xizang, which inspires the people in Xizang and contributes an indispensable force to local development.



Over the past 30 years, countless officials from elsewherehave swarmed into the snowy plateau to aid Xizang, making remarkable contributions to the autonomous region’s development, progress, harmony and stabilitywith endless courage and hardworking spirit. They have left indelible marks on every corner of the plateauand vividly embodied the Chinese spirit in the new era. Like tenaciousand gorgeous Galsang flowers blooming on the plateau, they warm the hearts of every Tibetan compatriot.


The majestic mountains have witnessed the vicissitudes of the snowy plateau. The rolling rivers tell the moving stories of the selfless dedication of the Chinese Communists and the sense of community of the Chinese nation.