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发布时间:2024-01-31 09:01:39 | 来源:新华网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:张芃芃

新华社北京1月30日电 1月30日下午,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂接受42位驻华大使递交国书。

1月30日下午,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂接受42位驻华大使递交国书。这是递交国书仪式结束后,习近平在北京厅对使节们发表集体讲话。新华社记者 黄敬文 摄




1月30日下午,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂接受42位驻华大使递交国书。这是递交国书仪式结束后,习近平在北京厅对使节们发表集体讲话。新华社记者 申宏 摄



1月30日下午,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂接受42位驻华大使递交国书。这是递交国书仪式结束后,习近平在北京厅对使节们发表集体讲话。新华社记者 丁海涛 摄




Xi receives credentials of new ambassadors to China

BEIJING, Jan. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping received the credentials of 42 ambassadors to China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday afternoon.

The ambassadors are Tan Hai Chuan from Singapore, Massimo Ambrosetti from Italy, Hussain Alhammadi from the United Arab Emirates, Michael Campbell from Nicaragua, Pavlo Riabikin from Ukraine, Mohsen Bakhtiar from Iran, Ian J. Marshall from Grenada, Adel Elarbi from Tunisia, Alberto Blanco Silva from Cuba, Bruno Angelet from Belgium, Iven Zyuulu from Zambia, Per Augustsson from Sweden, Sinisa Berjan from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jakub Kumoch from Poland, Jasem Ibrahem Alnajem from Kuwait, Mauricio Epkua Obama from Equatorial Guinea, Roland Reiland from Luxembourg, Maria Soledad Cordova from Ecuador, Salvador Moncada from Honduras, Bunyad Huseynov from Azerbaijan, Khamis M Omar from Tanzania, Willy Bett from Kenya, Alfredo Ortuño Victory from Costa Rica, Arthur Williams from Jamaica, Kaid Slimane Lahcene from Algeria, Dan-Horia Maxim from Romania, Norman Bin Muhamad from Malaysia, Khalil Ur Rahman Hashimi from Pakistan, Abu Bakarr Karim from Sierra Leone, Loro Da Silva Horta from Timor-Leste, Charviakou Aliaksandr from Belarus, Asadullah Bilal Karimi from Afghanistan, Somphone Sichaleune from Laos, Hugo Siles from Bolivia, Kanasugi Kenji from Japan, Andrey Tehov from Bulgaria, Barrett Salato from Solomon Islands, Robert Lee from Fiji, Daouda Bitie from Burkina Faso, Martin Tomco from the Czech Republic, Scott Dewar from Australia, and Vahe Gevorgyan from Armenia.

After the ceremony, Xi delivered a speech to the ambassadors.

Xi asked the ambassadors to convey his cordial greetings and best wishes to their state leaders and the peoples. Noting that China cherishes friendship with people of other countries, Xi said China is willing to deepen friendship and expand mutually beneficial cooperation with people of other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and to push forward bilateral relations.

It is hoped that ambassadors will have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China and serve to strengthen the bond of cooperation and build a bridge of communication for bilateral relations. The Chinese government will provide support and convenience for ambassadors to perform their duties, Xi said.

"This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China," Xi stressed, adding that China is advancing the building of a strong and prosperous country and national rejuvenation in all respects through Chinese modernization. The mission and objective of Chinese modernization are to enable the over 1.4 billion Chinese people to live a better life. For the world, this means a broader market and unprecedented development opportunities, which will inject strong impetus into the modernization of countries around the world.

Xi said the world today is not peaceful. With the future of mankind and the well-being of its people in mind, China, as always, endeavours to contribute its wisdom and solutions to the cause of peace and development of mankind, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, and work together to build a better world.

Wang Yi was present at the events. ■