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习近平同越共中央总书记苏林、国家主席梁强就中越建交75周年互致贺电Xi says ready to push for building China-Vietnam community with a shared future

习近平致电祝贺米拉诺维奇当选连任克罗地亚总统Xi congratulates Milanovic on reelection as Croatian president

《习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想概论》出版发行Book about Xi's thoughts on Party building published

习近平同摩纳哥元首阿尔贝二世亲王就中摩建交30周年互致贺电Xi, Prince Albert II of Monaco exchange congratulations over 30th anniversary of ties

习近平同斯里兰卡总统迪萨纳亚克会谈Xi calls for fostering new highlights in China-Sri Lanka cooperation
习近平同越共中央总书记苏林通电话Xi urges China, Vietnam to step up connectivity, new quality productive forces cooperation
Xi calls China-EU partnership one of mutual achievement
习近平向黎巴嫩新任总统奥恩致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Joseph Aoun on assuming presidency of Lebanon
习近平会见格林纳达总理米切尔Xi meets Grenadian PM, calls for advancing bilateral ties
国家主席习近平任免驻外大使Chinese president appoints new ambassadors

习近平对西藏日喀则市定日县6.8级地震作出重要指示Xi orders all-out rescue efforts following heavy casualties in 6.8-magnitude Xizang quake

习近平同博茨瓦纳总统博科就中博建交50周年互致贺电Xi, Botswana's president exchange congratulations over 50th anniversary of ties
习近平致电祝贺卡韦拉什维利就任格鲁吉亚总统Xi congratulates Mikheil Kavelashvili on assuming Georgian presidency
国家主席习近平发表二〇二五年新年贺词Xi underlines confidence, hard work in 2025 to rise above challenges
习近平同厄瓜多尔总统就中厄建交45周年互致贺电Xi, Ecuadorian president exchange congratulations over 45th anniversary of ties
习近平和夫人彭丽媛向美国华盛顿州中学师生代表回赠新年贺卡Xi, his wife send New Year card in return to representatives of middle school teachers, students in U.S. Washington State
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