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习近平出席澳门特别行政区政府欢迎晚宴并发表重要讲话Xi commends Macao's achievements in past 5 "extraordinary" years
庆祝澳门回归祖国25周年文艺晚会举行 习近平出席观看Xi attends gala marking Macao's return anniversary
习近平会见贺一诚Xi acknowledges work of outgoing Macao SAR chief executive
中共中央举行纪念乔石同志诞辰100周年座谈会 习近平发表重要讲话Xi urges new achievements in modernization on centenary of late top legislator's birth
习近平听取李家超述职报告Central authorities fully support HK in fostering new economic momentum: Xi
《求是》杂志发表习近平总书记重要文章《深入推进党的自我革命》Xi's article on advancing Party's self-reform to be published
中央经济工作会议在北京举行 习近平发表重要讲话China holds Central Economic Work Conference to make plans for 2025
习近平会见俄罗斯统一俄罗斯党主席梅德韦杰夫Xi meets United Russia party chairman Medvedev

习近平向美中贸易全国委员会2024年度庆典晚宴致贺信Xi says China, U.S. should choose dialogue over confrontation

习近平接受外国新任驻华大使递交国书Xi receives credentials of new ambassadors to China
习近平向“2024从都国际论坛”致贺信Xi extends congratulations to 2024 Imperial Springs Int'l Forum
习近平向毛里求斯新任总统戈库尔致贺电Xi sends congratulations to new Mauritian president
习近平向加纳当选总统马哈马致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Ghana's president-elect

习近平会见主要国际经济组织负责人Xi says China will continue to be biggest engine of world economic growth

习近平同志《论坚持和完善人民代表大会制度》出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on upholding, improving people's congress system published

习近平向纳米比亚当选总统恩代特瓦致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Namibian president-elect

习近平会见尼泊尔总理奥利Xi calls for advancing strategic partnership of cooperation with Nepal

习近平同柬埔寨人民党主席、参议院主席洪森会谈Xi holds talks with Cambodia's senate president Hun Sen

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