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习近平会见斯洛伐克总理菲佐Xi, Slovak PM meet in Beijing, agreeing to elevate ties
习近平同阿联酋总统穆罕默德就中阿建交40周年互致贺电Xi, UAE president exchange congratulations over 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
《求是》杂志发表习近平总书记重要文章《促进高质量充分就业》Xi's article on promoting high-quality, sufficient employment to be published

中央军委主席习近平签署命令 发布《预备役人员管理暂行条例》Xi signs order to promulgate regulations enhancing reservist management
习近平同芬兰总统斯图布会谈Xi holds talks with Finnish president
习近平同赞比亚总统希奇莱马就中赞建交60周年互致贺电Xi, Zambian president Hichilema exchange congratulations on 60th anniversary of ties

习近平致电祝贺柬埔寨国王西哈莫尼登基20周年Xi extends congratulations on 20th anniversary of Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni's enthronement

习近平致电祝贺马茂当选连任基里巴斯总统Xi congratulates Taneti Maamau on re-election as Kiribati's president
《习近平关于健康中国论述摘编》出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on Healthy China initiative published
习近平向莫桑比克当选总统查波致贺电Xi congratulates Chapo on election as Mozambique's president
习近平对民政工作作出重要指示Xi stresses enhancing inclusive public services for people
习近平出席“金砖+”领导人对话会并发表重要讲话Xi urges "BRICS Plus" to pursue common security and development, harmony among civilizations
习近平出席金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤并发表重要讲话Xi advocates high-quality development of greater BRICS cooperation
习近平会见埃及总统塞西Xi says China to be sincere friend, close partner for joint development with Egypt
习近平会见伊朗总统佩泽希齐扬Xi says China to develop friendly cooperation with Iran despite int'l situation changes
习近平会见印度总理莫迪Xi urges China, India to facilitate each other's pursuit of development aspirations
习近平会见老挝人民革命党中央总书记、国家主席通伦Xi urges China, Laos to forge model for BRI cooperation
习近平同俄罗斯总统普京举行会晤Xi says China, Russia find right way for neighboring major countries to get along with each other

习近平向越南新任国家主席梁强致贺电Xi sends congratulations to Luong Cuong on assuming office as Vietnamese president
习近平抵达喀山出席金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤Xi arrives in Russia's Kazan for BRICS Summit
视频画报|习近平主席与“金砖大家庭”Moments in Motion | President Xi and BRICS family
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