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我眼中的习近平 | 富有远见的领导人Xi in my eyes | A visionary leader
中共中央举行纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年座谈会 习近平发表重要讲话Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics on 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping
习近平会见斐济总理兰布卡Xi meets Fijian PM in Beijing, pledging to strengthen development cooperation
习近平同越共中央总书记、国家主席苏林会谈Xi, Lam hold talks, guiding development of China-Vietnam community with shared future
习近平同巴西总统卢拉就中巴建交50周年互致贺电Xi says China ready to work with Brazil to promote building of China-Brazil community with shared future
习近平回信勉励湖北十堰丹江口库区的环保志愿者Xi calls on environmental volunteers to promote water conservation
习近平对加强文化和自然遗产保护传承利用工作作出重要指示Xi stresses preserving China's cultural, natural heritage
习近平向新任越共中央总书记苏林致贺电Xi congratulates To Lam on election as general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee
习近平回信勉励祖籍宁波的香港企业家Xi encourages Hong Kong entrepreneurs to make greater contribution to Chinese modernization
习近平回信勉励“强军精武红四连”全体官兵Xi encourages model military company to build itself into highly capable unit
CPC leadership sets out economic priorities for 2nd half of 2024
习近平致电祝贺马杜罗当选连任委内瑞拉总统Xi congratulates Maduro on re-election as Venezuela's president
习近平同东帝汶总统奥尔塔会谈Xi holds talks with Timor-Leste president, urges promoting bilateral ties
习近平会见意大利总理梅洛尼Xi meets Italian prime minister, calls for upholding Silk Road spirit
习近平给厦门航空有限公司全体员工回信Xi instructs Xiamen Airlines to play active role in cross-Strait exchanges
习近平向第六届中俄能源商务论坛致贺信Xi sends congratulatory message to sixth China-Russia Energy Business Forum
习近平致电祝贺卡加梅当选连任卢旺达总统Xi congratulates Kagame on reelection as Rwandan president
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