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习近平向加纳当选总统马哈马致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Ghana's president-elect

习近平会见主要国际经济组织负责人Xi says China will continue to be biggest engine of world economic growth

习近平同志《论坚持和完善人民代表大会制度》出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on upholding, improving people's congress system published

习近平向纳米比亚当选总统恩代特瓦致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Namibian president-elect

习近平会见尼泊尔总理奥利Xi calls for advancing strategic partnership of cooperation with Nepal

习近平同柬埔寨人民党主席、参议院主席洪森会谈Xi holds talks with Cambodia's senate president Hun Sen

《习近平文化思想学习纲要》出版发行Study outline on Xi Jinping Thought on Culture published

习近平向2024年“读懂中国”国际会议(广州)致贺信Xi sends congratulatory letter to Understanding China Conference

习近平向2024世界传统医药大会致贺信Xi says China committed to making traditional medicine better benefit world
《求是》杂志发表习近平总书记重要文章《必须坚持守正创新》Xi's article on upholding fundamental principles, breaking new ground to be published
习近平对新时代马克思主义理论研究和建设工程作出重要指示Xi stresses adapting Marxism to Chinese context, needs of the times
习近平在中华全国供销合作总社成立70周年之际作出重要指示Xi stresses high-quality development of supply and marketing cooperatives
习近平向乌拉圭当选总统奥尔西致贺电Xi extends congratulations to Uruguayan president-elect Orsi

习近平向“声援巴勒斯坦人民国际日”纪念大会致贺电Xi says China always supports just cause of Palestinian people
习近平会见新加坡国务资政李显龙Xi meets Lee Hsien Loong, calling for enhanced cooperation
习近平会见萨摩亚总理菲娅梅Xi meets Samoan PM, says China prioritizes empowering Pacific Island countries to tackle climate change
习近平关于中国式现代化论述摘编阿拉伯文版出版发行Arabic version of Xi's discourses on Chinese modernization published
习近平会见摩洛哥王储哈桑China to continue working with Morocco to support each other's core interests: Xi
习近平同巴西总统卢拉举行会谈China, Brazil decide to elevate ties in Xi, Lula meeting
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