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中央军委政治工作会议在延安召开 习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话Xi stresses PLA's political loyalty at crucial meeting held in old revolutionary base
习近平在青海考察调研Xi inspects northwest China's Qinghai Province
习近平对防汛抗旱工作作出重要指示Xi delivers important instructions on flood control and drought relief
习近平致电祝贺拉马福萨当选连任南非总统Xi congratulates Ramaphosa on reelection as South African president
习近平向联合国贸易和发展会议成立60周年庆祝活动开幕式发表视频致辞Xi delivers video speech to opening ceremony of UNCTAD 60th anniversary celebration
习近平给中国科学院院士、清华大学教授姚期智回信Xi replies to Tsinghua professor, urging more contributions to education, science
习近平主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第五次会议Xi stresses improving modern corporate system with Chinese characteristics
中央军委主席习近平签署命令 发布新修订的《军队审计条例》Xi signs order to promulgate revised regulations on military audit
《习近平关于国家能源安全论述摘编》出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on national energy security published
习近平会见巴西副总统阿尔克明Xi meets Brazilian vice president



Heads of state of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan congratulate signing of intergovernmental agreement on railway project
习近平复信美国肯恩大学校长雷波列特Xi says education exchanges matter to future of China-U.S. ties
习近平向冰岛当选总统托马斯多蒂尔致贺电Xi congratulates Tomasdottir on election as president of Iceland
习近平向墨西哥当选总统辛鲍姆致贺电Xi congratulates Sheinbaum on election as president of Mexico
习近平致信祝贺中国工程院建院30周年Xi sends congratulatory letter on 30th anniversary of Chinese Academy of Engineering
习近平同巴林国王哈马德会谈China, Bahrain establish comprehensive strategic partnership
习近平同突尼斯总统赛义德会谈China, Tunisia establish strategic partnership
习近平同阿联酋总统穆罕默德会谈Xi holds talks with UAE president
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