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习近平同刚果(布)总统萨苏就中刚建交60周年互致贺电Xi says ready to join president of the Republic of the Congo for stronger strategic partnership
擘画鹭岛新画卷——习近平生态文明思想的“厦门实践”Xi's thought on ecological civilization guides Xiamen's green shift
习近平主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第四次会议Xi stresses enhancing guarantee ability of land element for high-quality development of regions with competitive strengths
习近平向第37届非洲联盟峰会致贺电Xi sends congratulatory message to 37th AU summit
中共中央国务院举行春节团拜会 习近平发表讲话Xi extends Spring Festival greetings to all Chinese
习近平同党外人士共迎新春Xi extends Spring Festival greetings to non-CPC members
《习近平关于中国式现代化论述摘编》英文版、英汉对照版出版发行Book of Xi's discourses on Chinese modernization published in English, bilingual versions
学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育总结会议在京召开Meeting summarizing Party-wide education campaign held in Beijing
习近平春节前夕在天津看望慰问基层干部群众Xi visits people in Tianjin ahead of Spring Festival
习近平接受外国新任驻华大使递交国书Xi receives credentials of new ambassadors to China
习近平的敦煌情Xi Focus: Xi Jinping and his passion for Dunhuang
习近平同法国总统马克龙就中法建交60周年互致贺电Xi urges China, France to jointly open up path of peace, progress for human development
习近平向中法建交60周年招待会发表视频致辞Xi delivers video speech to reception celebrating 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations

习近平同乌兹别克斯坦总统米尔济约耶夫会谈Xi, Uzbek president hold talks, elevate ties to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era
习近平会见安提瓜和巴布达总理布朗 Xi meets Antigua and Barbuda's prime minister

习近平复信北京交通大学肯尼亚留学生及校友代表Xi replies to letter from representatives of Kenyan students, alumni at Beijing Jiaotong University
习近平在“国家工程师奖”首次评选表彰之际作出重要指示Xi urges high-level sci-tech self-reliance to serve high-quality development
习近平致电祝贺齐塞克迪当选连任刚果(金)总统Xi congratulates Felix Tshisekedi on reelection as DR Congo's president
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