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发布时间:2024-05-16 08:44:45 | 来源:新华网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:曹川川







长城是我国现存规模最大的文化遗产。1984年,邓小平、习仲勋等领导同志为首都一些单位发起的“爱我中华 修我长城”活动题词,激发了海内外中华儿女保护长城的热情。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记高度重视长城文化价值发掘和文物遗产传承保护工作,多次作出重要指示,指导推动长城国家文化公园建设。近日,北京市八达岭长城脚下的石峡村村民给习总书记写信,汇报自发参与长城保护工作和村里的发展变化等情况,表达继续守护长城、传承长城文化的决心。

Xi calls for greater efforts to promote, protect Great Wall

 Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for efforts to let more people know about the Great Wall and engage more people in its protection to pass on the ancestors' precious heritage to future generations.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a reply letter sent Tuesday to villagers living at the foot of the Badaling Great Wall in a northern suburb of Beijing.

Residents of Shixia Village in Yanqing District recently wrote to Xi, reporting their work in protecting the Great Wall and changes taking place in the village.

In the reply letter, Xi said he was pleased to learn that the villagers had taken the initiative over the years to protect the Great Wall, inherit the Great Wall culture, and rely on its resources on their way to prosperity.

The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of the Chinese civilization, Xi said. "It is our common responsibility to protect and pass on this historical and cultural heritage."

Xi voiced the hope that the villagers will continue protecting the Great Wall as they protect their homes, carry forward the Great Wall culture and tell stories about the Great Wall well.

The villagers are encouraged to contribute to building a strong socialist culture in China and promoting Chinese modernization.

The Great Wall is the largest-scale existing cultural heritage in China. Since 2012, Xi has paid great attention to the work concerning tapping the cultural values and inheriting and protecting cultural relics of the Great Wall, and made multiple instructions on advancing the building of the Great Wall national cultural park.