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习近平《深化合作,继往开来 推动中阿命运共同体建设跑出加速度——在中阿合作论坛第十届部长级会议开幕式上的主旨讲话》单行本出版

发布时间:2024-06-14 08:49:45 | 来源:新华网 | 作者: | 责任编辑:曹川川

国家主席习近平《深化合作,继往开来 推动中阿命运共同体建设跑出加速度——在中阿合作论坛第十届部长级会议开幕式上的主旨讲话》单行本,已由人民出版社出版,即日起在全国新华书店发行。

Xi's speech at China-Arab States Cooperation Forum ministerial conference published

Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum has been published.

Xi delivered the speech, titled "Further Deepening Cooperation and Moving Forward to Step up the Building of a China-Arab Community with a Shared Future," in Beijing on May 30.

The booklet, published by the People's Publishing House, is available at Xinhua Bookstore outlets across the country.